Brewing Guide
Once the beans leave the bag, anything can happen.
You're juggling a lot of variables: water temperature, grind, water to coffee ratio, method and time.
We like these methods:
Single Cup Pourover
Hario V60 brand, single cup pourover cone:
- Place paper filter in the cone and moisten with water off the boil
- Portion 1 ounce (30 grams) of Automatic Drip ground coffee into the moistened filter
- Slowly pour small amount of water over grounds until saturated
- Gently turn over with a spoon - rinse grounds off spoon back into filter
- Let the grounds "bloom" for 45 seconds
- Slowly pour water over the coffee - slow count to 15 seconds while pouring
- Apply "trial process" to how much water to coffee for the ratio you prefer to taste

Drip Coffee Maker
Drip brewers spray 180 degree water over ground coffee for around 5 minutes.
The amount of water and grounds depends on your volume, machine, and preference.
The result: a smooth, clean, mellow cup.
Espresso Machine
- Add finely ground coffee into the machine part with a handle (portafilter)
- Tamp grounds down with 30 pounds of pressure (use pressure tamper if possible)
- The machine will quickly (130 psi for 25 seconds) pump hot water (195 degrees) through the grounds to extract a shot
- Add hot water, ice, milk, or your preferred method of espresso drink

French Press
- Start with a coarse grind
- Add ground coffee to the carafe to taste/strength preference
- Saturate with water just off the boil
- Let it steep for 5 minutes
- Break crust with a spoon
- Push the grounds to the bottom with the plunger

Cold Brew
Follow instructions for purchased cold brew unit - Toddy brand and others.